Maureen Milliken is a Maine mystery writer, and was a long-time newspaper reporter and editor, and her mystery fiction draws from years in newsrooms, as well as her love of her home state of Maine. She lives in central Maine.
Maureen supports independently owned local bookstores. If you’re in Maine, you can too, by buying her books at Oliver & Friends Bookshop, in Belgrade Lakes; all locations of Sherman’s Maine Coast Book Stores; the Center for Maine Craft shop at the West Gardiner Interstate 95 tourist center (I know! Right?); and, from April to December at River Roads Artisans Gallery, 75 Water St., Skowhegan. Her books can also be found in, or ordered from, Barnes & Noble, and any other bookstore, local or large, independent or corporate. Your local library can order them as well, or find them through inter-library loan.
If you can’t find Maureen’s books in your local book store or library, ask them to order them. You can also find them on Amazon.
Her books are also available as audio books at Audible. Click here to check it out!